Otoplasty Surgery – Correcting Protruding Ears and More

We cannot choose the ears that we are born with and anyone who grew up with protruding ears knows of the effect it can have on your self-esteem. If you feel that your ears stand out too far from the head or that your ears are too large in proportion to your head, otoplasty could… Continue reading Otoplasty Surgery – Correcting Protruding Ears and More

Ear Surgery- A Surgical Solution for Protruding Ears

Cosmetic ear surgery is ideal for people who have protruding ears. Otoplasty is a procedure that sculpts and folds the cartilage of the ear to position it closer to the side profile of the head. It serves as a solution for kids and adults alike, ensuring that children can avoid a life of ridiculing from… Continue reading Ear Surgery- A Surgical Solution for Protruding Ears

Prominent Ears Could be Corrected With Cosmetic Ear Surgery

Cosmetic ear surgery is a common solution for people who want to address their prominent ears. The surgery itself is simple and safe to be performed on children as well. The surgery involves setting the ears closer to the side profile of the head by sculpting and folding the cartilage of the ears. Since our… Continue reading Prominent Ears Could be Corrected With Cosmetic Ear Surgery

Choosing an Ear Surgery for Adults and Children

Many people struggle with protruding ears as a result of genetics. Luckily, an ear surgery can be a solution to pull the shape of the ears closer to the side profile of the head for a more organic appearance. Otoplasty is a safe and simplistic surgical procedure that can be done on children as well.… Continue reading Choosing an Ear Surgery for Adults and Children

Protruding Ears Could be corrected with Cosmetic Ear Surgery

Otoplasty is the medical term for cosmetic ear surgery, a surgical procedure that reshapes the cartilage of protruding ears to pull them closer to the side profile of the head. The shape of the ears develops at a young age, which is why otoplasty is commonly done on children. The procedure carries minimal risk in… Continue reading Protruding Ears Could be corrected with Cosmetic Ear Surgery

Otoplasty – Cosmetic Ear Surgery Could be the Solution For All Ages

Otoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure that reduces the size of protruding ears by folding or sculpting the cartilage so that the ears sit closer to the side profile of the head. Some people are born with protruding ears, which is commonly a genetic trait in the same way that the shape of our nose… Continue reading Otoplasty – Cosmetic Ear Surgery Could be the Solution For All Ages

An Ear Surgery- The Benefits of Otoplasty

Otoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure that addresses the shape of protruding ears. This type of cosmetic ear surgery reshapes the cartilage of the ears so that they sit closer to the side of the head for a more streamlined look. The shape of our ears develops at an incredibly young age, which is why… Continue reading An Ear Surgery- The Benefits of Otoplasty

Otoplasty – A Surgical Solution for Those With Prominent Ears

Otoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that addresses prominently shaped ears. This type of surgery is ideal for people who want to set back prominent ears so that their ears sit closer to the side profile of their head. Our ears develop in shape pretty quickly, forming their shape at a noticeably young age of our… Continue reading Otoplasty – A Surgical Solution for Those With Prominent Ears

Benefits of Cosmetic Ear Surgery

Cosmetic ear surgery is designed for people who have prominent ears. This surgery sets back the shape of the ears to sit more closely to the side profile of the head for a more natural look. Although cosmetic surgery would commonly be a solution for adults, otoplasty is done on children between the ages of… Continue reading Benefits of Cosmetic Ear Surgery

The Basics and Benefits of Corrective Ear Surgery

Corrective ear surgery, or otoplasty in medical terms, is an elective surgical cosmetic procedure that addresses large and/or protruding ears. It is done to mould the outer shell of the ear to be closer to the side profile of the head. This procedure is commonly done on children that are between the age of 4… Continue reading The Basics and Benefits of Corrective Ear Surgery