Ear Surgery- A Surgical Solution for Protruding Ears

Cosmetic ear surgery is ideal for people who have protruding ears. Otoplasty is a procedure that sculpts and folds the cartilage of the ear to position it closer to the side profile of the head. It serves as a solution for kids and adults alike, ensuring that children can avoid a life of ridiculing from… Continue reading Ear Surgery- A Surgical Solution for Protruding Ears

An Ear Surgery- The Benefits of Otoplasty

Otoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure that addresses the shape of protruding ears. This type of cosmetic ear surgery reshapes the cartilage of the ears so that they sit closer to the side of the head for a more streamlined look. The shape of our ears develops at an incredibly young age, which is why… Continue reading An Ear Surgery- The Benefits of Otoplasty