Otoplasty is the medical term for cosmetic ear surgery, a surgical procedure that reshapes the cartilage of protruding ears to pull them closer to the side profile of the head. The shape of the ears develops at a young age, which is why otoplasty is commonly done on children. The procedure carries minimal risk in comparison to other cosmetic surgical procedures and is done under general anaesthesia. Therefore, it is safe to perform on children, saving them from a lifetime of ridiculing from their peers.
How Does the Procedure Work?
We offer professional surgeons to perform cosmetic ear surgery, ensuring that the results are optimal and satisfactory. With otoplasty, the surgeon will make an incision on the back part of the protruding ear from where they can sculpt the cartilage. Once the cartilage is folded and sculpted to where the ear can sit closer to the side of the head, the incision is stitched up to hold the new shape in place. The concept of this type of surgery is simplistic and can serve as a solution for people of any age, as it can be performed on children and adults alike.
What Happens Afterwards?
With any type of surgery, there will be a recovery period where the patient’s body must be given the time of day to rest and recover. Luckily, with otoplasty, the patients are up and about after only a few hours after surgery. Once the surgeon has completed the ear surgery, the patient’s head will be wrapped in a bandage to keep the ears in place and ensure that they are not irritated during recovery. The patient can expect some throbbing aches from the ears during recovery for a few days following surgery.
Where Do I Start?
If you are considering cosmetic ear surgery for yourself or your child because of protruding ears we recommend that you start by booking a consultation with one of our professional surgeons. A consultation will give you a clear insight to the procedure and what you can expect from the results. If you wish to continue with the surgery, we can also refer you to a financial consultant for feasible solutions to pay for your surgery.
Centurion Cosmetic Clinic is your first choice regarding cosmetic surgical procedures for women and men in Gauteng. We also offer otoplasty for children. For more info on cosmetic ear surgery, please browse our website for details on the procedure, or contact us today for consultation bookings. Take control of your body with us on your side.