Reduce Localised Fat Deposits With Liposuction

For many people, traditional weight-loss methods have proven to be ineffective at getting rid of excess fat in specific areas. Try as you might, it seems that exercise and diet simply don’t target the areas that are the most bothersome. Localised fat deposits such as these can be relatively easy to remove by a surgical procedure called liposuction. This procedure allows a surgeon to target specific areas all over the body and remove excess fat according to the patient’s wishes. The operation is minimally invasive and allows an individual the unique opportunity to re-contour certain areas of the body.   

Centurion Cosmetic Clinic is equipped with the latest technology to ensure that your procedure can be performed as effectively as possible. Our dedicated team of surgeons make use of an advanced process called Vibro liposuction. Vibro liposuction technology involves the use of a narrow tube called a cannula to vacuum away unwanted layers of fat under the skin. A tiny incision is made to insert the cannula, this incision is so small that no sutures are required to close the wound, which leaves the patient with minimal scar tissue. The technology creates slight vibrations in the cannula which enables the surgeon to remove localised fat deposits more effectively from fibrous areas in the body. This method has also been shown to reduce the amount of trauma to a patient’s body during the procedure, which reduces recovery time. 

The procedure can usually be performed in under an hour, but the duration of the procedure will depend greatly on the size of the area that is being targeted. After the liposuction surgery has been completed our dedicated team of staff will provide you with all the information you need to help you with the recovery process. A patient will experience some swelling, pain and discomfort in the days after the procedure and might not be able to perform certain functions for a few weeks after the surgery. Discolouration of the skin is also common after liposuction and is no cause for concern. Due to the swelling, you may only start to see definitive results after a period of about two months. As all the swelling subsides, it is important to place as little strain on the body as possible to allow the area to heal effectively.

At Centurion Cosmetic Clinic our goal is to deliver the best possible cosmetic care to our clients. Contact us today to request a consultation and find out how we can help you sculpt your body and improve your self-esteem. Whether you are considering cosmetic surgery or less invasive aesthetic procedures, we will be able to assist you every step of the way.

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