Abdominoplasty Surgery – The Essentials of a Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck procedure is referred to as abdominoplasty surgery in medical terms. This procedure is considered a major surgical procedure that removes excess skin and stubborn fat from the middle and lower abdomen. It also tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall. For those who want to reduce the appearance of a protruding abdomen,… Continue reading Abdominoplasty Surgery – The Essentials of a Tummy Tuck

An Abdominoplasty Surgery – Is a Tummy Tuck Ideal for You?

An Abdominoplasty surgery is commonly referred to as a tummy tuck. This major surgical procedure is aimed at removing the excess skin and fat from the abdominal areas. The abdomen covers the part of your body that stretches from the chest to the pelvis. This area is otherwise referred to as the belly, which is… Continue reading An Abdominoplasty Surgery – Is a Tummy Tuck Ideal for You?