Surgical Facelift – Am I Too Old to Consider Cosmetic Surgery?

Our faces are the most expressive features of our bodies. Unfortunately, the earliest signs of aging appear on our faces in the form of sagging skin, wrinkles, and fine lines around the mouth, nose, and eyes. A surgical facelift turns back the clock a bit by addressing these aging signs through surgical means. As a… Continue reading Surgical Facelift – Am I Too Old to Consider Cosmetic Surgery?

Facelift Surgery – Fight The Signs of Ageing

The effects of aging, gravity, exposure to the sun, and daily stress can cause facial creases, loose facial skin, and age marks. These elements are unavoidable and will eventually have their effects on our facial skin appearance and health. Therefore, a facelift surgery can be a feasible solution for people who are dealing with aging… Continue reading Facelift Surgery – Fight The Signs of Ageing

A Facelift – Are you an Ideal Candidate for Cosmetic Surgery

As we age, our skin most prominently starts to show signs of aging, especially in our faces. The loss of collagen and elastin leads to creases forming around the mouth and nose. It also leads to wrinkles and fine lines, with fat deposits appearing in the neck along with saggy skin. Exposure to the sun,… Continue reading A Facelift – Are you an Ideal Candidate for Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic Facelift Surgery – An Effective Way to Address Wrinkles

The Fundamentals of a Cosmetic Facelift Surgery The purpose of a facelift is to address the aging signs in the facial areas for a rejuvenated and more youthful appearance. As we get older, our skin loses its elasticity and firm texture due to a loss of elastin and collagen cells. Collagen is the main structural… Continue reading Cosmetic Facelift Surgery – An Effective Way to Address Wrinkles

Cosmetic Facelift – Effective Procedures At Centurion Cosmetic Clinic

Details on a Cosmetic Facelift Aging is something that is unavoidable for us. However, we can turn back the clock on our physical appearance, at least to an extent. A cosmetic facelift, also called a rhytidectomy in medical terms, addresses the aging that happens in the facial area. It can also be combined with a… Continue reading Cosmetic Facelift – Effective Procedures At Centurion Cosmetic Clinic