Cosmetic Surgery in Gauteng: Breast Augmentation Promotion

Exercises have been developed to target and tone just about every part of our bodies. While muscles might respond to exercise there is little that can be done to affect the appearance of a woman’s breasts. A woman’s breasts will naturally lose their form over time, with pregnancy and breastfeeding only adding strain to the… Continue reading Cosmetic Surgery in Gauteng: Breast Augmentation Promotion

Cosmetic Surgery Gauteng

Cosmetic Surgery Solutions in Gauteng Centurion Cosmetic Clinic is your first choice for cosmetic surgery for women and men in Gauteng. We offer a wide range of cosmetic procedures that include liposuction and cosmetic breast surgery – 2 of the most popular cosmetic procedures around the world. We also offer cosmetic eyelid surgery and surgical… Continue reading Cosmetic Surgery Gauteng

Our Mommy Makeover Package – Reclaiming Your Body After Pregnancy

Pregnancy and nursing have drastic effects on a woman’s body. The abdomen and breasts are influenced the most, which can lead to excess fat and skin in both cases. Sagginess is also a common occurrence, as the muscle and skin tissue have expanded and retracted in accordance to pregnancy and nursing periods. If you are… Continue reading Our Mommy Makeover Package – Reclaiming Your Body After Pregnancy

An Eyelid Surgery – A Solution for Protruding Eyelids

As we get older, the signs of aging start to settle on various parts of our bodies. These signs include wrinkles and fine lines in facial areas. It can also lead to baggy eyelids that are a result of protruding fat pads around the eyes. An eyelid surgery can correct the signs of aging around… Continue reading An Eyelid Surgery – A Solution for Protruding Eyelids