Blepharoplasty – How can Eyelid Surgery Help You?

Blepharoplasty is the medical term for cosmetic eyelid surgery, a type of surgery that removes excess skin from the upper eyelids and excess fat from the fat pads underneath the eyes. It is a delicate and sensitive surgery that requires a professional surgeon to successfully execute. The purpose of this surgery is to rejuvenate the… Continue reading Blepharoplasty – How can Eyelid Surgery Help You?

Blepharoplasty – How Can Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery Assist Me?

What is Blepharoplasty? Cosmetic eyelid surgery can remove excess skin from the upper eyelids, along with excess fat deposits underneath the eyes. Its medical term is blepharoplasty and can serve as more than just a cosmetic solution. Sometimes, the upper eyelids can impede the field of view, which has a drastic effect on a person’s… Continue reading Blepharoplasty – How Can Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery Assist Me?

Blepharoplasty Surgery – Corrective Eyelid Surgery Explained

The Purpose of Blepharoplasty Surgery Blepharoplasty surgery is the medical term for a cosmetic eyelid procedure, a type of surgery that addresses the aging signs around the eyes and can also reduce protruding eyelids. This procedure involves removing any excess skin and fat from the eyelids and the surrounding areas around your eyes, resulting in… Continue reading Blepharoplasty Surgery – Corrective Eyelid Surgery Explained

A Blepharoplasty Surgery – Expectations From an Eyelid Surgery

As time goes by and we get older, our bodies will show signs of aging. One of the first signs of aging starts around the eyes. Baggy eyelids and wrinkles are prominent features when aging, which is  why a blepharoplasty surgery can be a feasible solution to people who want to address this problem. Blepharoplasty… Continue reading A Blepharoplasty Surgery – Expectations From an Eyelid Surgery