Targeting Different Parts of the Body With Surgical Liposuction

Surgical liposuction is a procedure that employs suction through a narrow tube to reduce the size of fat clusters on different parts of the body. These fat deposits tend to accumulate in certain parts of the body and it is often very difficult to get rid of these deposits through exercise and diet. Liposuction should however not be seen as a weight loss method and the ideal candidate will be a patient who lives a healthy lifestyle. There is also a common misconception that this procedure is mainly used to remove fat from an individual’s abdomen or buttocks. In truth, surgical liposuction can be effective at targeting fat in several areas of the body.

Areas in the Upper Body

As mentioned, most are aware that liposuction can be used to remove fat from your abdominal area and specifically the stomach. Other problem areas such as the back of the arms and the upper arms can also be targeted with this procedure. These fat deposits become more prevalent as we age and traditional weight loss methods tend to be less effective as well. A surgical liposuction is also a great option for patients who are burdened with stubborn fat clusters in their chests and backs. Liposuction can even be used as a method for breast reduction or to treat gynecomastia in men. Surgeons are able to perform this surgery with incredible precision, making it possible to remove fat from the patient’s neck and chin as well.

Areas in the Lower Body

Certain parts of the lower body are prone to fat accumulation, especially in women. Hormones are largely responsible for the deposition of fat around the hips, buttocks and thighs in women. Surgical liposuction is commonly used to target the hips and buttocks and it has proven to be highly effective in these areas. The procedure can also reduce fat accumulations in a patient’s thighs, calves and ankles and liposuction can be highly effective at contouring the lower body. Liposuction can be highly effective at contouring the body to the patient’s wishes and it could indeed help to boost your self-confidence a great deal.

There is a lot to consider before you go in for surgery and it can all be quite daunting. Feel free to book a consultation with one of our qualified surgeons if you are interested in taking advantage of Centurion Cosmetic Clinic’s liposuction promotion. Our qualified team will provide you with more information regarding the procedures we offer and answer any questions you may have about your surgery.

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