Breast Enhancement Surgery: What can the Procedure Treat?

A woman’s breasts can have a big influence on their self-confidence and the way that they view their body. On top of this, many factors might influence the form of the breast. The breasts might lack symmetry, or the individual is unhappy with the shape and size of their breasts. Unfortunately, there is not much that one can do to naturally change the appearance of the breasts. For those who wish to alter their bust, breast enhancement surgery could be the answer. 

There is often a stigma attached to breast enhancement surgery that the procedure is only performed to enlarge the breasts for cosmetic purposes. This could not be further from the truth, and there are many reasons why patients choose this procedure. Breast enhancement surgery is indeed able to address a number of cosmetic issues that a woman may be facing, but it is also effective at reconstructing the breasts after trauma.

Let’s take a look at some of the functions of breast enhancement surgery:

Enlarging Naturally Small Breasts

This is probably the most well-known function and most people aware that this procedure is able to enlarge the breasts. This could be because the patient simply feels that their breasts are too small and they would like to add some volume. Patients can choose the size of the implant and the surgeon will advise an individual if they feel that the size of the implant is unsafe for the patient’s frame.

Correcting the Shape of Breasts

Many women have asymmetrical breasts and some experience a loss of symmetry as they age. The shape of the breast can also be affected by things like pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight gain or weight loss. Breast enhancement surgery is able to restore the shape of the breast in these instances, without necessarily increasing the cup size of the patient. The size of the implant can be the same as the patient’s natural cup size a the procedure is mainly concerned with improving the form of the breast in this case. 

Reconstructing the Breasts

In some cases, a mastectomy is performed to treat a patient’s breast cancer. During this procedure, the entire breast is removed, but surgeons are often able to preserve the skin and nipple. A breast enhancement surgery can be performed to reconstruct the breast using an implant. This could also be effective in some instances where the breast has suffered trauma and has been removed.

Contact Centurion Cosmetic Clinic if you are considering breast enhancement surgery and take advantage of our promotion this month! Our dedicated team of staff members will be with you every step of the way to ensure that you are always well informed and that all your questions are answered. Book a consultation online today to start your journey with us. 

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