Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes stubborn fat cells from underneath the skin to sculpt the body and be rid of specific stubborn fat deposits on the outer fat layers of the body. This procedure can be feasible for men and women and is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures around the world. It is important to note that more stubborn fat that has accumulated around your inner organs cannot be treated with this procedure.
When Should I Consider Liposuction?
This surgery should not be considered as an immediate solution for instant weight loss. Conventional weight-loss methods such as a balanced diet and regular exercise are still your best bet to lose weight. If you are living a healthy lifestyle and want to sculpt your body, liposuction can be your solution to deal with stubborn fat deposits on the outer fat layers of your upper body.
The Procedure
During liposuction, the surgeon will make a small incision from where they can insert the cannula to target the fat deposits on specific parts of the body. The cannula is used to break down and vacuum stubborn fat deposits from these areas, permanently removing stubborn fat cells from the body. This procedure can also be accompanied by other medical techniques and equipment for better results. After the surgery our dedicated team will provide you with everything you need to make a speedy recovery.
What is Vibro-Liposuction?
Vibro-liposuction adds compressed air to the cannula that adds small vibrations to the cannula. Although it seems like a minor addition, both the surgeon and patient benefit from the added vibrations. Vibro-liposuction allows the surgeon to remove stubborn fat deposits more efficiently and faster in comparison to regular liposuction. The vibrations also stimulate collagen production, causing the skin in the treated areas to be stronger and deliver better results for the patient.
An Ideal Candidate
If you maintain a balanced and healthy diet, along with a regular exercise routine, your body will burn fat efficiently and help to identify any stubborn deposits on specific areas of the body where liposuction can remove them. This procedure can target the thighs, knees, buttocks, abdomen, upper arms, chin, and cheeks. Vibro-liposuction can target more sensitive areas on the body as well.
Centurion Cosmetic Clinic offers liposuction and vibro-liposuction procedures for men and women in Gauteng. Please browse our website for details on these procedures and book your consultation with us today. Be rid of stubborn fat cells and have the body that you have worked so hard for with us on your side.