Male Breast Reduction Surgery- A Solution for Men with Gynaecomastia

Cosmetic surgery goes beyond female breast enlargements and surgical facelifts, with male breast reduction surgery that can reduce the effects of gynaecomastia. Gynaecomastia is a medical condition that is caused by a hormonal imbalance in the male body. The effects of this condition cause protruding breasts. Therefore, this type of surgery is designed to reduce the protrusion by removing the excessive fat cells at the affected areas. Throughout puberty, certain hormonal surges can lead to male breast tissue protrusion as well. The breast tissue can reduce in size after going through puberty but in most cases, the breast tissue will stay protruded. This is where male breast reduction becomes a feasible option.

What Causes Breast Tissue Enlargement in Men?

Asymptomatic gynecomastia is prevalent in about 60% to 90% of children, 50% to 60% in adolescents, and up to 70% in men. There are several causes for male breast protrusion, including puberty, excessive weight gain, anabolic steroids, certain drugs, and a variety of medication. Gynecomastia generally affects both breasts. The effects are prominent on the chest tissue underneath the nipple-areolar complex. In the case of gynaecomastia, this specific area will feature a palpable, tender, firm, mobile, disc-like mound of tissue. If this area feels hard and is associated with skin or nipple discharge, you should consult a medical professional instead.

Our Solution for Men with Protruded Chests

If you are a victim of gynaecomastia, male breast reduction surgery can be your answer to reduce its effects. Men with protruded chests can become self-aware of their bodies, having limited wardrobe options and being too embarrassed to take off their shirts. With our male breast reduction surgery, you can regain your confidence and your wardrobe. Our dedicated surgeons will discuss the procedure with you and give you an assessment on how this surgery can work for you when you book a consultation with us. The recovery period for this surgery is short, so you can expect to get back to work within a couple of days. If you are a smoker, prepare to quit smoking for at least 2 months before and after your surgery. This will optimise oxygen flow in your body for optimal levels of cellular healing during recovery.

Centurion Cosmetic Clinic is your answer for men who struggle with chest protrusion as a result of gynaecomastia. We also offer liposuction for men who want to sculpt their bodies and be rid of stubborn fat deposits. Please browse our website for details on male breast reduction or contact us today to book your consultation.