Ear Surgery – Cosmetic Ear Surgery for Adults and Children

Cosmetic Ear Surgery for Adults and Children

Cosmetic ear surgery fixes prominent and protruding ears and is safe and effective to be performed on adults and children. The surgery sets the ears closer to the side of the head by sculpting and folding the cartilages of the ears via surgical methods.

The shape of the ears will develop completely at a young age. Therefore, if a child’s ears develop into protruding shapes, they can face a lifetime of ridiculing from their peers. Luckily, otoplasty is an ideal solution for children in an effort to avoid any shaming and enjoy a more normal life.

The Procedure

Cosmetic ear surgery is performed under general anaesthesia to ensure that the patient sleeps through the procedure. During the procedure, the surgeon makes an incision behind the ear to access the ear cartilage directly. From here, the surgeon will fold and sculpt the ear cartilages for better alignment with the side of the head.

After the ear cartilages are sculpted, the incisions are stitched up to hold the ears in their new shape. Once the surgery is complete, the patient’s head will be wrapped with a bandage to hold the ears in place while they adapt to their new shape and recover from surgery. Cosmetic ear surgery is mostly performed on children but is also an answer for adults who want to correct the shape of their prominent ears.

During recovery, your ears will throb or ache for a few days following your surgery. Your surgeon will prescribe painkillers to manage pain and discomfort. Take care to only use your prescribed painkillers during your recovery period. If you are a smoker, you must refrain from smoking for at least 2 months before and after the surgery to optimise oxygen flow throughout your body and assist with the healing process on a cellular level.

Book Your Consultation

If you are considering cosmetic ear surgery for yourself or your child, the journey begins by booking a consultation with us. Our surgeons can assess your ears and explain the procedure, giving you a clear picture of the possible results. If you are considering this procedure for your child, keep them in the conversation to ensure that the procedure is something that they want to do.

Centurion Cosmetic Clinic is your answer when it comes to cosmetic ear surgery in Gauteng. For more info, please browse our website or book your consultation with us today.