A Liposuction is a surgical technique that removes fat cells from underneath the skin. This technique can be an option for both women and men who want to sculpt their bodies and be rid of stubborn fat deposits. It can also treat gynaecomastia, which is a condition for men, commonly known as man boobs. Liposuction cannot replace conventional methods of losing weight. However, it is an option to remove stubborn fat deposits that could form while in the process of losing weight and sculpting your body.
When you live a healthy lifestyle and have a balanced and healthy diet, you can consider liposuction when you are looking for a way to reduce stubborn fat deposits on areas such as the thighs, knees, buttocks, abdomen, upper arms, chin, and cheeks. Conventional weight loss allows your body to naturally reduce the size of fat cells underneath your skin through regular exercise and a balanced dietary intake. However, this process can also reveal non-responsive fat cells. Liposuction can be a feasible option for dealing with these stubborn deposits.
The Procedure
This technique serves as a popular and highly effective method to remove fat cells from the body as opposed to reducing their size naturally. A Liposuction has developed and progressed into advanced methods of targeting fat cells beneath the skin more efficiently as medical technologies such as sonar and compressed air can assist to target more sensitive areas on the body. The basic technique involves inserting a cannula into a small incision at the targeted area of the body, allowing the cannula to break down and vacuum stubborn fat deposits for a slimmer and firmer look. Vibro-liposuction adds compressed air to the cannula to allow for vibrations when breaking down the fat cells.
Centurion Cosmetic Clinic is your first choice when it comes to cosmetic procedures in Gauteng. For more info on liposuction, please browse our website on this topic and book your consultation with us today. Rid your body of stubborn fat deposits with us on your side.