Contour Your Body with Liposuction Surgery

Liposuction surgery is a cosmetic procedure that removes fat cells on specific areas of the body. These fat cells are underneath the surface of the skin. Normally, fat cells are responsive to our dietary intake and exercise routines. When adults go through a weight-loss period and adopt a healthy and balanced diet along with a regular exercise routine, they will go about a natural way to break down the size of fat cells. However, stubborn fat deposits can form during such a period, and this is where liposuction becomes a popular solution.

Directly Dealing with Stubborn Fat Deposits

Although there are several non- and semi-invasive methods to break down fat cells, stubborn fat deposits can only be removed for good through surgical means. A stubborn fat deposit can form on specific parts of the body where fat cells are non-responsive to dietary adjustments and constant exercise routines. Liposuction surgery is a cosmetic procedure that assists with permanent stubborn fat deposit removal on areas of the body that include the thighs, hips, abdomen, buttocks, chin, cheeks, neck, and upper arms.

The Procedure

Liposuction Surgery consists of a cannula that is inserted through a small incision on or next to the targeted area of the body. This cannula is used to break down and vacuum out the targeted fat deposits to remove them from the body completely. With various medical advances, the procedure is becoming more streamlined and efficient by adding elements such as compressed air to adds vibration to the cannula. As a result, surgeons can target more sensitive areas on the body and be more accurate in their removal techniques. Liposuction should not be considered as a primary means to lose weight and should only be considered as a cosmetic surgery to remove stubborn fat deposits.

The Benefits

Ā Apart from being a solution for body contouring, liposuction can also treat cellulite. Cellulite is a condition where the fat cells underneath the skin tissue start to penetrate the skin tissue underneath the surface of the skin. The result is the ā€œorange peelā€ skin condition that forms because of fat deposits underneath the surface. Liposuction can serve as a solution to clear cellulite on the upper thighs to smooth out the surface of the skin by removing the fat deposits causing the condition. It can also treat gynaecomastia for men.

Centurion Cosmetic Clinic offers a selection of cosmetic procedures for women and men that includes liposuction to deal with stubborn fat deposits. For more info on how we can assist you, please browse our website for details. Contact us today with any enquiries or to book a consultation with one of our surgeons.