Breast enlargement surgery gives women the choice to increase the size of their breasts for enhanced body contours. A breast lift surgery addresses sagging breasts that could be caused by gravity, age, pregnancy, and nursing. We offer a combo breast surgery that combines both surgeries into a single procedure to deliver an all-inclusive approach for women who can benefit from both. Therefore, this type of procedure can add volume, shape, and size to the breasts, which is ideal for women who went through multiple pregnancies and lost breast volume as a result.
It Starts with a Breast Lift
As we get older, our skin loses elasticity and firmness. With the effect of gravity on our bodies, our skin begins to sag, which can lead to sagging breasts as well. To address this problem, a breast lift surgery removes excess skin and tissue from the breasts to reshape them into a perkier and more youthful shape. This process also involves relocating the nipples. This can lead to smaller areolas, but also means that you will not be able to breastfeed anymore. Once the breasts have been reshaped, the other part of this combo breast procedure can begin.
Adding volume and size with a Breast Enlargement
A breast enlargement surgery aims to enhance the size of a woman’s breasts via surgical implants. Silicon shells that contain silicon-based gel can be implanted directly underneath the breast tissue or beneath the chest wall muscle. These implants provide extra volume to the breasts to deliver a size increase of at least 1 cup size. Therefore, every cosmetic element of the breasts is enhanced and improved with our combo breast procedure to improve your body’s profile. The procedure takes place under general anaesthesia and would require a recovery period to allow your body to heal.
What Can I Expect from a Cosmetic Surgery?
For the most part, cosmetic surgeries take place in a day hospital. These procedures will also commonly involve general anaesthesia. Therefore, there will be some preparations before-hand to optimise the results of your surgery. You can also expect to wear a surgical bra during your recovery period to hold your breasts in their new shape. If you want a wholistic approach to cosmetic breast surgery, our combo breast procedure is your solution.
Centurion Cosmetic Clinic is your first choice regarding cosmetic breast surgery in Gauteng. For more info on our combo breast procedure, please browse our website for details. Contact us today to book a consultation with one of our professional surgeons.