Blepharoplasty – How Can Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery Assist Me?

What is Blepharoplasty?

Cosmetic eyelid surgery can remove excess skin from the upper eyelids, along with excess fat deposits underneath the eyes. Its medical term is blepharoplasty and can serve as more than just a cosmetic solution. Sometimes, the upper eyelids can impede the field of view, which has a drastic effect on a person’s vision. Therefore, cosmetic eyelids surgery can serve as a means to reduce the size of a protruding eyelid that impairs your vision. This procedure is safe for women and men.

How Can Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery Assist Me?

Blepharoplasty aims to deliver a more youthful and expressive appearance around the eyes by reducing any sagginess on the upper eyelids and any baggy deposits underneath the eyes. Baggy eyelids are caused by fat protrusion of the fat pads around the eyes. If this is a genetic condition, it can develop at a young age for both women and men. With age come wrinkles in the face, which would also form around the eyes. Wrinkles are also addressed with cosmetic eyelid surgery, ensuring that it delivers a wholistic solution for the patient.

The Procedure

As with any other cosmetic surgery that we offer, blepharoplasty will take place under general anaesthesia for the patient. The surgery takes about an hour and is done in a day hospital, meaning that you can go home after your surgery without spending the night in the hospital. The surgeon will measure the amount of excess skin that they will remove from the upper eyelids, following the assessment from your prior consultation. They will then proceed to remove the excess skin from the upper eyelids accordingly.

For the lower eyelids, the surgeon will remove excess fat by making an incision below the lashes to gain access to the fat pads. Once the necessary fat is removed, the incisions are closed with fine sutures. Therefore, the scars will be hidden. There is a high chance of excessive bleeding when it comes to incisions around the eyes. As a result, it is pivotal to consult your professional surgeon on which medication to avoid before coming in for your operation. There are several types of medication, including various painkillers, that dilute the blood to make it thinner. By avoiding these medications, you can optimise your skin and body for the operation and the recovery period afterwards.

Centurion Cosmetic Clinic is your first choice regarding cosmetic eyelid surgery for women and men living in Gauteng. We also offer other cosmetic surgical procedures. For more info on how we can assist you, please browse our website for details. Contact us today to book your consultation.