A Breast Reduction Procedure Could Address Oversized Breasts

Some girls develop large breasts throughout their teen years as a result of their genetics. As a teen, large breasts can make them very self-conscious about their body. Therefore, a breast reduction procedure can be a feasible solution for these girls. Breast reduction can also assist women in later stages of their lives, as gravity will have a bigger impact on larger breasts, resulting in sagging breasts. Large breasts can have a negative impact on a woman’s body as well, because of the increased weight that the upper body must cope with.

Breast Reduction is a Solution

Although breast enlargement is more commonly performed, a breast reduction procedure has its own set of benefits for women with large and pendulous breasts. Back and neck pain can commonly occur as a result of large breasts. Bra straps also become a problem, leaving indentations on the shoulders. This can lead to skin irritation as well. Women with large breasts can also develop skeletal deformities in the upper body, as the body must adjust to cope with the increased weight. Breast reduction surgery can address such problems by reducing the volume and size of the breasts.

What Can I Expect from the Results?

A breast reduction procedure removes excess fat and skin from the breasts, relocating the nipples in the process. Therefore, you can expect smaller areolas, lighter breasts, and a healthier weight distribution on the upper part of your body. The reduced weight should ease the stress on your back, neck, and shoulders to avoid any discomfort or skeletal deformities. However, with the relocation of the nipples, you will not be able to breastfeed anymore. The procedure takes place under general anaesthesia and is considered a full-blown surgical procedure. Prepare yourself accordingly.

Where Do I Start?

We offer professional surgeons who can execute a breast reduction procedure for you. The first step is to book a consultation with one of our surgeons to get a professional insight on the benefits and possible outcome of such a procedure. This will give you the knowledge to make an informed decision on the surgery. We can also refer you to a financing consultant to ensure that you can pay for the surgery when you wish to go through with it. Therefore, we have you covered when you are considering a breast reduction surgery.

Centurion Cosmetic Clinic is your first choice in cosmetic surgical procedures for women and men living in Gauteng. For more info on how a breast reduction surgery can assist you, please browse our website for details. Feel free to contact us to book a consultation.