Aging is something that nobody can avoid. However, the world of cosmetics allows us to address the cosmetic problems caused by aging. Blepharoplasty surgery is the medical term for a cosmetic eyelid procedure, which is a commonly utilised surgical procedure to deal with wrinkles, fine lines, and saggy bags around the eyes. As we get older, our skin gradually loses elastin and collagen. Elastin is responsible for the skin’s elasticity, while collagen is the main structural protein of the skin tissue. Therefore, wrinkles, fine lines, and creases can develop in our face as we age.
Windows to the Soul
Our eyes have been metaphorically symbolised for millennia, serving as one of the most expressive features of our face. Therefore, if you want to deal with the signs of aging around the eyes, blepharoplasty surgery can be your answer. The aim of this type of surgery is to correct heavy, baggy, or wrinkled eyelids for a more youthful and expressive appearance. It can also be a medical benefit for people whose vision is impaired by heavy eyelids.
The Procedure
Blepharoplasty surgery is done under general anaesthesia. It is also done on one of the most sensitive areas of the face, which would require some extra care and preparation. Therefore, it is pivotal to consult your surgeon on this surgery before considering it as a surgical solution. If you are currently being treated by an ophthalmologist, it is critical that your surgeon is aware of it and the disorder that you are being treated for. There will be some preparation from the patient before the surgery as well. As it is done under general anaesthesia, some dietary adjustments are required a day before the surgery. We also ask that you do not apply any makeup on the eyelids for 24 hours before the surgery.
The areas around the eyes are extremely sensitive and can be very delicate after cosmetic eyelid surgery. Therefore, we recommend that you wear clothes that can be removed without having to be pulled over your head. We also recommend that you avoid any medication that influence blood coagulation, as there is a chance of excessive bleeding. Such medication should be avoided for at least 2 weeks before the surgery and a week afterwards.
Centurion Cosmetic Clinic is your first choice in cosmetic surgical procedures for women and men in Gauteng. For more info on blepharoplasty, please browse our website for details or contact us directly with any enquiries. Take control of your body today with us on your side.