
Advanced Vibro Liposuction for Removing Fat Deposits

Liposuction is a surgical technique that removes stubborn fat deposits from the body. This is a common and popular technique that is used across the world to sculpt the body and be rid of stubborn fat deposits on specific areas of the body. Vibro liposuction is an advanced liposuction technique that adds movement to the cannula. The vibrating movement emulsifies the fat deposits to make them easier to extract from the body. Therefore, the patient will experience less pain and faster recovery times in comparison to regular liposuction.

Adding Motion to the Cannula

The cannula serves as the device that gathers the fat deposits from the targeted area on the body. By adding movement to the cannula, as opposed to heating it or using a laser-based counterpart, the cannula can target the fat deposits without causing any harm to the skin and muscle tissue in the surrounding areas. This movement is possible by adding compressed air to the cannula, which triggers a pneumatic engine to enable the cannula to move. These rapid movements create a vibrating effect, which emulsifies fat deposits to make them easier to target and remove from the body.

Advantages of Vibro-Liposuction

For the surgeon, vibro-liposuction allows them to target more sensitive areas on your body. Fat emulsification also makes it easier to remove the fat deposits for the surgeon. For the patient, the recovery process will be less painful and shorter in comparison to regular liposuction. The patient can also expect better results from this type of advanced liposuction, as the surgeon will have more accuracy and easier operation of the cannula. Therefore, vibro-liposuction can be a feasible solution for women and men who struggle with stubborn fat deposits on specific areas of their bodies.

Am I an Ideal Candidate?

Vibro-liposuction is considered an elective major surgical procedure. This requires a full consultation with a medical professional about the procedure when you are considering it for yourself. The consultation will inform you on what to expect from the procedure, giving you a clear scope of how it can work to your benefit. If you are living a healthy lifestyle and want a surgical solution to be rid of stubborn fat deposits, vibro-liposuction is for you. This type of surgery should not be considered as a surgical means to lose weight.

Centurion Cosmetic Clinic is your first choice in cosmetic surgical procedures for women and men in Gauteng. For more info on how we can assist you, please browse our website for details on our available procedures today.