A liposuction procedure is a cosmetic surgery that removes fat cells from specified areas on the body. It can be a feasible solution for dealing with stubborn fat deposits that could form when losing weight on a conventional method. It should not be considered as a primary means to lose weight through a surgical procedure, as it is aimed at contouring the body and dealing with stubborn fat deposits. Although many other types of non-surgical treatment might claim that they remove fat cells from the body, liposuction is the only surgical method that truly removes fat cells from the body.
Contouring My Body
Living a healthy lifestyle includes a healthy diet and regular exercise. By adapting your diet to your bodily needs, and putting your body through a daily exercise routine, you will lose weight and reach an optimal BMI in accordance to your height and genes. The process of losing excess weight will burn the size of fat cells in your body. By reducing their size, effects such as cellulite will also be reduced, unless a stubborn fat deposit has developed. Weight-loss will reveal these deposits, which can be removed with liposuction.
How Can a Liposuction Procedure Help Me?
If you live a healthy lifestyle and are fed up with stubborn fat deposits that bulge from your abdominal areas, buttocks, knees, upper arms, cheeks, chin, or neck, liposuction is the answer. This type of cosmetic surgery is designed to remove stubborn fat deposits that are caused by non-responsive fat cells in the body. These cells are located under the skin tissue, from where they cause disruptions to the surface of the skin. With liposuction, stubborn fat cells are targeted and removed from the body, giving you the desired contours that you deserve.
A liposuction procedure is done under general anaesthesia. Therefore, the patient is asleep throughout the surgery while the surgeon targets and removes the stubborn fat deposits. We highly recommend that you consult a professional surgeon when you consider liposuction for yourself. It will give you a better understanding of what to expect from this type of surgery, and whether you are an ideal candidate for liposuction. This surgical technique can also be used to remove fat deposits on a man’s body, giving them a feasible way to sculpt their bodies.
Centurion Cosmetic Clinic is your first choice in cosmetic surgical procedures for women and men in Gauteng. For more info on our available procedures, please browse our website for details on what to expect and how to prepare accordingly. Take control of your body today with us on your side.