Reclaiming Your Beauty with a Mommy Makeover

Pregnancy and nursing have drastic effects on a woman’s body. After having children, most women struggle to regain their former beauty and desired body shape. The abdominal muscles are stretched because of the pregnancy. The breasts can also lose volume and firmness due to pregnancy and nursing. The body will most likely have formed stubborn fat deposits as well. A Mommy Makeover addresses all these problems with a combined cosmetic surgical procedure. Therefore, if you are a mommy who wants to reclaim your former shape and beauty, our Mommy Makeover is your solution.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat and skin from the abdominal areas. Also referred to as abdominoplasty, this procedure reinforces and tightens the abdominal muscle wall as well. Therefore, we recommend that you only consider a Mommy Makeover after having children, as a pregnancy would undo all the work of a tummy tuck. Once the abdominal areas are taken care of, your surgeon can start targeting stubborn fat deposits in your body.


Fat cells are, for the most part, responsive to our exercise routines and diets. Therefore, they grow in size when we gain weight, and shrink when we lose weight. However, some fat cells become non-responsive when decreasing their size during a weight-loss period. These fat deposits can be removed through liposuction. Such a technique will ensure that your body is contoured and sculpted, being rid of those lumpy fatty deposits for good.

Breast Lift

A breast lift surgery removes excess fat and skin from saggy breasts, delivering a perkier and more youthful shape and appearance. Pregnancy and nursing can cause the breasts to lose volume and firmness, making them saggy. This procedure relocates the nipple once the breasts are reshaped, which implicates that the areolas can be reduced in size. However, it also implicates that you will not be able to breast feed anymore. Therefore, only consider this type of surgery after having children.

Breast Augmentation

To address a loss in volume and firmness, the breast lift procedure can be combined with a breast augmentation procedure as well. This will add some volume, bust, and contour to the breasts for a more desirable outcome.