When it comes to elective cosmetic surgical procedures, most of them are designed for women. However, there are 2 types of surgical procedures that are viable for men as well. These include a male chest reduction surgery and male liposuction. Both are designed to remove stubborn fat deposits from the body. Fat cells can only be removed through surgical means. Therefore, if you struggle with a protruding chest, male chest reduction surgery is an ideal solution.
How Does Fat Cells Work?
Fat cells sit beneath the skin tissue. When gaining weight, the size of these cells will increase. When losing weight, you will decrease the size of fat cells, which can sometimes lead to non-responsive fat deposits. These deposits will not decrease in size from conventional weight-loss methods. However, by utilising the method of fat removal through liposuction, these stubborn deposits can be removed from the body. The same principle is applied to men who suffer from gynaecomastia. This is a condition where fatty deposits can protrude the size and shape of a man’s chest, which can be removed through male chest reduction surgery.
How Can This Procedure Help Me?
If you are a man that suffers from gynaecomastia, male chest reduction is the ideal solution for you. Men can become very self-conscious about a protruding chest or abdomen. Therefore, this type of surgical procedure can be ideal to boost your self-confidence and self-esteem. It results in a flatter, firmer, and more contoured chest to deliver the results that you want. This will also broaden your range of clothes that you can wear, as tight-fitting shirts are not an option with a protruding chest or abdomen.
What Happens After My Surgery?
Expect some swelling, bruising, and pain for a couple of days after this surgery. You can take prescribed painkillers to deal with the discomfort during this time. The swelling will subside after 2 to 4 weeks, at which point you will start seeing the results of the surgery. However, the final results will only become visible after about 4 months, as the skin must adjust to the new shape of the chest.
Centurion Cosmetic Clinic offers a wide selection of cosmetic surgical procedures for women and men. If you are interested in male chest reduction surgery, please browse our website for details on this surgery. Take control of your body today and be rid of fatty deposits for good with our solutions.