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A Liposuction Procedure – What Are Stubborn Fat Deposits?

Fat cells are located underneath the skin tissue in various parts of our bodies. When gaining weight, fat cells expand in size, absorbing fat and creating deposits on specific parts of the body. When losing weight, you simply reduce the size of the fat cells. The only way fat cells can be removed from the body is through surgical means, such as a liposuction procedure. Therefore, if someone claims that their non-invasive and non-surgical treatments remove fat cells, you know that they have no idea about what fat cells are and how they behave.

What Are Stubborn Fat Deposits?

A stubborn fat deposit refers to fat cells that are non-responsive to conventional means of weight-loss, which consists of regular exercise and healthy dietary adjustments. These fat cells come to light throughout the process of losing weight and sculpting the body. There are many ways to reduce the size of stubborn fat cells. However, if you genuinely want to get rid of them, liposuction is the way to do it. By not worrying about reducing the size of the fat cells, and removing them completely instead, your body will be sculpted into a desirable shape, free of stubborn fat deposits.

How Does Cellulite Work?

Cellulite happens when fat deposits penetrate the layer of skin tissue that is directly above it to form the bumps on the surface of the skin. Reducing the size of these fat deposits can help to reduce the effect of cellulite. However, those cells can be non-responsive, which means that a liposuction procedure becomes a feasible solution. Cellulite occurs more frequently in women because of their parallel-structured skin tissue, as opposed to the woven pattern that men have. Therefore, it is easier for the fat cells to penetrate the tissue.

What Can I Expect from a Liposuction Procedure?

Liposuction is a way to be rid of stubborn fat deposits in the body for good. It should not be considered as a means to lose weight, but rather to sculpt a healthy body that is plagued by stubborn fat deposits. Therefore, we recommend that you follow conventional weight-loss methods to decrease the size of the fat cells in your body before considering liposuction. This cosmetic surgical procedure requires a consultation with your surgeon before-hand. They can analyse your body to give you the best advice on how to proceed and inform you about liposuction.

Centurion Cosmetic Clinic is your answer to cosmetic surgical procedures in Gauteng. For more info on our procedures, please browse our website for details on liposuction and what to expect from the results.