A Mastopexy Surgery – What to Expect From a Breast Lift

Breast lift surgery, referred to as mastopexy in medical terms, is different from augmentation mammoplasty, also known as breast enlargement surgery. Mastopexy is an elective surgical procedure that raises and reshapes sagging breasts. However, it is not a permanent fix, as age and gravity will eventually take their toll once again. The good news is that mastopexy can be combined with inserting breast implants for a firmer result that also adds some volume and size to the breasts. Mastopexy can be done for several legitimate reasons.

As we age, gravity has a determining effect on our bodies. Along with gravity, our skins also age and will start to lose its elasticity. For women, these factors can result in sagging breasts. Pregnancy and nursing can also result in volume and firmness loss of the breasts, which can both be addressed with mastopexy. Therefore, by reshaping and raising the profile of the breasts through this surgery, these effects can be addressed accordingly. The results are firmer, more naturally contoured breasts that have their volume restored and shape renewed. This surgery can also result in smaller areolas.

With any type of cosmetic breast surgery, including mastopexy, we encourage our clients to keep their expectations within realistic realms. Such a procedure will enhance the look and feel of your breasts, and not necessarily result in perfection. We also encourage our clients to consult a medical professional when considering a breast lift. This will put you in a position from which you can make an informed decision on whether to proceed with such a cosmetic procedure. It will also inform you about the risks involved, and what to expect when preparing for the surgery.

A breast lift surgery takes place under general anaesthesia. Therefore, you will be required to make dietary adjustments before the surgery. The surgery itself will take about 90 minutes to 2 hours. Afterwards, you will be required to wear a surgical bra to support your breasts during recovery. We also recommend that you do not smoke for 2 months after the surgery. This will ensure that cellular recovery goes according to plan for the best possible recovery. Stitches from the surgery will be removed after 1 to 3 weeks of the surgery. It might be a painful and time-consuming process, but in the end, it will be worth it.

Centurion Cosmetic Clinic offers a wide variety of elective cosmetic surgical procedures for women and men. For more info on our breast lift surgery, or any other procedures that you might be interested in, please peruse our website for details and expectations. Take control of your own body today.