The human genome is a mysterious puzzle that is constantly researched to further medical and genetic technology. Our genes determine many aesthetic aspects of our body. The shape of the nose and ears are directly connected to family genes. Luckily, cosmetic surgical procedures can address the shape and size of these facial features. We offer ear correction surgery for both adults and children to adjust the outer shell of the ear to sit closer to the side profile of the head. This procedure is called otoplasty in medical terms.
Ear correction surgery is a common type of elective surgery for children between the ages of 4 and 14. The shape of our ears are fully developed at a very young age in our lives. Therefore, this surgery can be done on children to ensure that protruded ears can be addressed to avoid any ridiculing from their peers. Since protruded ears are completely natural and linked to your specific gene pool, many people have accepted the shape of their ears. However, as an adult, you have the choice to address the shape of your ears as well. Therefore, we also offer ear correction surgery to adults.
Such a surgical procedure is done under general anaesthesia. In other words, you will be asleep during the procedure. General anaesthesia requires some preparation on the patient’s behalf, which includes dietary adjustments. The surgery is performed in a day hospital, which means that you book in at the hospital in the morning, get the surgery done, and leave once you are released. There is no need for a stay-over once the surgery is done. This also makes the procedure more accessible and approachable.
Otoplasty focuses on correcting the shape of the ears for a normalised result. To accomplish this feat, the surgical procedure involves making an incision on the back of the ear. The cartilage can be sculpted or folded to achieve the desired results. Once the cartilage is adjusted, the incision is closed up by a couple of stitches. The stitches will hold the folded or sculpted cartilage in position while the shape of the ear is normalised. As with any surgical procedures, there will be risks involved. With otoplasty, the risks involve potential blood clots on the ear that disappear over time or can be drained by a medical professional.
Centurion Cosmetic Clinic is your first choice for elective cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures. For more info on ear correction surgery, please peruse our website for pivotal details on the surgery and what to expect. Choose us today and let us bring out the true beauty in you.