Ear Correction Surgery – The Benefits Of A Cosmetic Procedure

Ear correction surgery is an elective cosmetic surgical procedure that is designed to correct the shape of abnormally prominent ears. This type of surgery is ideally performed on children between the ages of 4 and 14. The reasoning behind this is that most ears are fully developed in shape at the age of 4. Therefore, if your child has prominent ears, this surgery can reduce the size of the outer shells and pull them closer to the side of the head. This can result in a more natural look for which your child will not be ridiculed for on social levels.

Adults can also consider ear correction surgery to relieve themselves of prominent ears. The involved risks are not escalated when performed on adults, making it safe for them as well. Although the size of the ears and nose will never stop increasing as we get older, the shape can be adjusted for a more preferable appearance. Centurion Cosmetic Clinic offers a variety of elective cosmetic surgical procedures to bring out the true beauty in our customers. Otoplasty is a feasible solution for both children and adults with prominently shaped ears.

When ear correction surgery is performed by an experienced and qualified surgeon, the complications are usually kept to a minimum. However, since it still is considered a surgical procedure, there will always be risks involved. The minority of patients going through this type of surgery have a chance to develop a blood clot on the ear. This clot can dissolve naturally or be drained for complete removal. Some patients can also develop an infection in the cartilage, which would cause scarred tissue to form on the surface of the skin. These infections can be treated effectively with antibiotics.

Surgeons will always recommend listening to your child regarding ear correction surgery. In the end, it is their bodies and their decision to go through with it. If your child has prominent ears and wishes to address the situation, the best course of action is to go for a consultation with a professionally qualified surgeon. This consultation will inform both the parents and the child about the procedure and what to expect from the results. Therefore, an informed decision can be made by the parents and the child before the surgery takes place.

Centurion Cosmetic Clinic is your first choice in elective surgical procedures. We offer a wide selection to ensure that you can bring out your inner beauty and face the world with confidence. Please peruse our website for more info on ear correction surgery, or any other procedure that you might be interested in.