A Definition of Breast Reduction Surgery

Women care about how they look and feel within their bodies. They go to great lengths to ensure that they look good and feel comfortable. A large determining factor in this equation brings us to a woman’s breasts. In some cases, women have large, pendulous breasts that can cause discomfort and a series of medical problems. Although most cases would see women wanting enlargements, a breast reduction surgery can be performed for these women. This procedure will diminish the natural size to reduce the physical strain on a woman’s body.


Very large breasts are heavy, which puts increased strain on the neck, shoulders, and back to carry the extra weight. Bras with thin straps can also cause discomfort, as these straps leave indentations from dealing with the increased size and weight throughout a day. Apart from obvious back and neck pain, very large breasts can also cause skin irritation and breathing problems. Skeletal deformities can also be caused due to the sheer increase of weight that the upper body needs to carry. Breast reduction surgery can deliver a solution for women in this situation, resulting in smaller, firmer breasts.

This type of surgery is an elective cosmetic procedure that will decrease the volume, size, and weight of the breasts for a more proportionate result. Also referred to as mammoplasty, breast reduction surgery removes fat, glandular tissue, and excess skin to result in smaller, lighter, and firmer breasts. This procedure can also decrease the size of the areolas, which tend to be increased on larger breasts. Therefore, it is mostly performed for physical relief as opposed to cosmetic preference, which makes it a viable solution for women in this unique situation. Most people are ignorant to the positive impact of mammoplasty.

A reduction surgery is commonly performed on fully developed breasts. However, should there be drastic discomfort during the development phase, this procedure can also work as a solution. An ideal candidate for this type of procedure understands the processes involved and has realistic expectations of the outcome. Our bodies are unique, which means that each case would have a unique outcome. If you plan on breastfeeding in the future, this procedure is not recommended. Consult your doctor or a medical professional before considering this procedure to ensure that you are happy with everything before-hand.

Centurion Cosmetic Clinic offers a wide selection of elective cosmetic surgery options to bring out the true beauty in you, or address something that causes discomfort and self-consciousness. For more info on how we can assist you, please peruse our website for vital information about the various procedures.